The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides assistance to the needy, both in a material and spiritual way, through person-to-person contact. The Society is an international Catholic organization of laypersons, founded in 1883 by Frederic Ozanam and his companions. Placed under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, the Society derives its inspiration from Vincent’s thinking and work. It seeks in a spirit of justice and charity and by person-to-person involvement of its members, to help those who are suffering. The Society is approximately one million strong in 131 countries.
Person to person involvement is essential to Vincentian helping and can include any assistance that promotes human dignity and integrity. The Society is concerned not only with relieving need but also with redressing the situations that cause it, and serves persons regardless of creed, opinion, color, caste, and origin which may include immigrants, transients, orphans, the abandoned or rejected, or any who find themselves among others who are indifferent or hostile.
The Society often encounters situations where it could extend its financial resources if there were a bank of volunteers with special talents that could be called upon for help.
(609) 924-1743 ext 250
(609) 924-1743 ext251