Kait took on the role of Director of Marketing and Communications in 2020 under the pastorship of Msgr. Rosie following a close partnership with him ensuring top-notch communication to the faithful during the pandemic.
Kait previously served St. Paul as Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries and Confirmation beginning in 2013. She had served as Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Veronica in Howell, New Jersey and as Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Confirmation at St. Isaac Jogues and St. Ursula, both in Parkville, Maryland. She received a BA degree in Sociology from the College of New Jersey where she served in active ministry through the Catholic Campus Ministry program, overseeing Liturgy and Retreat Coordination. Additionally, she completed multiple internships in Catholic youth ministry at various parishes in the Diocese of Trenton. Kait completed her Certificate in Youth Ministry through the Diocese of Trenton in 2015.